The Shawnee County Weed Department enforces the Kansas Noxious Weed Law K.S.A. 2-1314 et seq. for Shawnee County. The Shawnee County Weed Department is directly or indirectly responsible for the control of every noxious weed in Shawnee County. The department is responsible for enforcing noxious weed control on private and public property in all areas of Shawnee County and acts as a liaison between neighbors with invasive noxious or nuisance weeds. The Shawnee County Weed Department inspects real and personal property, feed and forage crops, and topsoil extraction sites in Shawnee County for noxious and nuisance weeds; and maintains a warehouse and sales counter to provide cost-shared herbicide controls and rental equipment to landowners. The department monitors the control of noxious weed infestations on all county owned property and right-of-way and contracts with local governmental entities to fulfill their responsibility in complying with the Kansas Noxious Weed Law.
Notice is hereby given, pursuant to the Kansas Noxious Weed Law, to every person who owns or supervises land in Shawnee County, that noxious weeds growing, or found on such land shall be controlled and eradicated. Control is defined as preventing the production of viable seed, and/or the vegetative spread of the plant.