Organizational Composition
Shawnee County Department of Corrections, Community Corrections serves the 3rd Judicial District (Shawnee County) for Adult Intensive Supervised Probation (ISP) services. We also serve the 3rd Judicial District for Juvenile ISP as well as Case Management (CM) services. Finally, we oversee the budget and program data for Juvenile Intake and Assessment Services (JIAS) and provide funding to community prevention services for juveniles in Topeka and Shawnee County. We provide programming and supervision of adult and juvenile clients to help them succeed with probation and safely return to the community.
County Commission
Board of Shawnee County Commissioners
- Kevin Cook · Chair
- Aaron Mays · Vice Chair
- Bill Riphahn · Member
Advisory Boards
Community Corrections Advisory Board
Juvenile Corrections Advisory Board
Adult ISP Staff
Juvenile ISP/CM Staff
3rd Judicial District
- PS · Program Specialist
- CM · Community Case Manager
- ISO · Intensive Supervision Officer