If your property is NOT in our current tax sale and you are wanting to pay your delinquent taxes, you can make online payments through the link below:
If your property IS in our current Tax Sale, you will not be able to make an online payment or partial payments. Property owners have until the day BEFORE the Tax Sale to redeem their property. NO PAYMENTS will be accepted the day of the Tax Sale. In order to redeem your property, you must:
- Pay all delinquent taxes IN FULL.
- Pay a separate $500.00 in court costs.
- Fill out and sign a redemption form.
This can be done at the Shawnee County Treasurer's Office before 4:30 pm.
200 SE 7th Street, Room 101
Topeka, KS 66603
After thirty (30) days prior to the sale, all payments must be made in the form of certified funds (cash, cashier’s check or money order). Delinquent taxes payments should be made out to “Shawnee County Treasurer”, and the $500.00 court costs should be made out to “Clerk of the District Court”.