Land use planning activities of the department fall into two broad functional categories: current planning and long-range planning. The goals of land use planning are to preserve and enhance community quality of life and the natural environment; promote the development of economic vitality and diversity; and, promote the cost-effective delivery of public services.
Current Planning
Current planning is the most visible component of land use planning and involves the day-to-day activities related to zoning, subdivision and development of land in unincorporated Shawnee County. More specifically, current planning involves the administration and application of the Shawnee County Zoning and Subdivision Regulations which govern the use and development of land consistent with long-range planning objectives and community goals.
Staff associated with current planning include the Planning Director, Planner and Administrative Assistant. The Zoning Administrator is also involved with respect to proposed regulatory changes to evaluate their effectiveness and application.
Long Range Planning
Long range planning is involved with the development of plans, data, designs, studies and policy options related to growth, development, and environmental issues. A product of long range planning is the development of a comprehensive plan that provides a future-oriented vision of the community. The comprehensive plan becomes the foundation for daily decision-making and provides a basis or guide for public action to insure coordinated and harmonious development that will best promote the wise and efficient use of land, protection of natural resources and the wise and efficient expenditure of public funds. The comprehensive planning process emphasizes extensive public participation by employing meetings with individuals and groups, facilitating workshops and conducting formal public hearings. Staff also prepare data and analysis pertaining to land use for use by the public and other agencies. An objective of long range planning is to foster intergovernmental coordination related to joint planning with other jurisdictions.
In addition to the establishment of policies, goals and objectives regarding the future course of growth and development; long range planning is also involved with conducting special projects and studies in response to specific community issues or identified need.
The Planning Director and Planner are involved with long range planning.