Keeping the Watch
- Operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
- Answers approximately 320,000 calls per year.
- Dispatches approximately 190,000 calls yearly.
- A team of trained and dedicated dispatchers.
- Have five supervisors with an average tenure of 12 years.
- Dispatches to six law enforcement and eight fire agencies.
Welcoming Our Residents
We're proud of the work we do and we want to show you SCECC in action.
To schedule a tour any time of day or night, call 785.251.2200 and ask for the Dispatch Supervisor. The Supervisor will schedule a tour for your family, business or organization and answer questions you might have.
(Please note that while we schedule tours of our facility any time, our priority is public safety. Events such as severe weather, major working fires or police activity may force us to cancel or delay your visit at the last minute. We will make every effort to accommodate your group.)