Monday – Thursday
7:00a.m. to 5:00p.m.
7:00a.m. - 3:00p.m.
For your convenience, we host special collection days on the first Saturday of each month from 9:00 – Noon
(with the exception of January and July).
Disposing of Unsafe Materials
Are you aware that several common products around your home could be hazardous to your health and to our clean water supply if handled improperly? When many common household products such as cleaners, paint, or used oil are thrown in the trash, down the storm drain or on the ground, they eventually contaminate our rivers and lakes. One gallon of oil can contaminate one million gallons of water!
Here are some simple tips:
- Buy only what you can use immediately. Buy smaller quantities.
- Use what you buy. Proper use is often the best way to get rid of it.
- If you can't use it, find a neighbor who can.
- Recycle if you can.
- Look for non-hazardous alternatives, such as vinegar and baking soda for cleaning.
- Store hazardous materials safely away.
Save for Hazardous Waste Disposal
These are items to bring to household waste facility.
From the House
- Aerosol Cans
- Batteries (rechargeable and alkaline)
- Compressed Fluorescent Light (CFL)
- Drain Cleaners
- Cooking Oil
- Oven Cleaners
- Medications liquid and pill form
- Wood & Metal Cleaners or Polishers
- Toilet Bowl Cleaners
- Disinfectants
- Fingernail Polish Removers
- General Purpose Cleaners
- Used Needles (sharps)
- Hypodermic Needles (sharps)
Automotive & Garage
- Oil & Fuel Additives (can be recycled)
- Grease & Rust Solvents
- Carburetor & Fuel Injection Cleaners
- Starter Fluids, Power Steering, Brake Fluid, Transmission Fluid
- Antifreeze, Oil Filters
- Old Gasoline/Diesel Fuel
- Kerosene
- Waxes, Polishes & Cleaners
- Automotive Batteries (can be recycled)
From the Workshop
- Paints
- Stains
- Varnishes
- Sealants
- Paint Thinners
- Fluorescent Tubes
- Paint Strippers & Removers
Farm & Garden
- Herbicides
- Pesticides
- Rat Poisons
- Pool Chemicals
- Photo Processing Chemicals
- Empty Camping and Barbeque Propane Tanks
Materials to Keep
We cannot effectively manage the disposal of these materials.
- Explosives or Ammunition
- Pressurized gas cylinders
- Infectious Waste
- Radioactive Material
- Unidentified Materials (meaning no labels)
- Materials forbidden for shipment by the US Dept of Transportation
Preparing for Collection Days
- Inventory all your hazardous materials and set aside those to be taken to the collection facility.
- Check all containers, make sure lids are on tight.
- Pack liquids and solids separately.
- Keep all materials in original containers if possible. Do not let latex paint and waste oil contaminate each other - transport them in separate boxes.
- Pack leaking or flimsy containers in a plastic bag and pack each in a box with kitty litter or newspapers to control leaks. Label the contents on outside of box.
- Transport materials in your car trunk, rear of your station wagon, van, SUV, or truck bed.