The State mandates many responsibilities to the County Clerk.
- Property tax levies and tax roll preparation.
- Furnishes an abstract of taxes to be collected to the County Treasurer.
- Review budgets for school districts, cities, townships and other taxing authorities.
- Sets the official mill levies for each taxing district.
- Balance and certify distribution of motor vehicle taxes to the County Treasurer.
- Record transfer of ownership from deeds, probates, divorce, death certificates, etc.
- Maintains the real estate file by address, property description and name.
- Vacation and relocation of county roads.
- Attachment/detachment of rural water districts.
- Economic development and industrial revenue bond issues pertaining to exempt properties.
- Issuance of various licenses, i.e., cereal malt beverage, transient and peddlers.
- Assists taxpayers with preparation of Homestead and Food Sales Tax returns.
- Accounts payable for all county departments.
- The County Clerk serves as the Local Freedom of Information Officer for Shawnee County.