If interested in serving on any of the following Councils and Boards, please call 785.251.4040 or email [email protected].
Must be of voting age to serve.
Community Action is a non-profit, anti-poverty organization serving the low-income population in Shawnee County. The agency operates a wide variety of programs and services, including Head Start and Early Head Start, Affordable Housing, Homelessness Prevention, Diaper Depot, Weatherization, and more. Shawnee County specifically invests in Community Action's services to seniors which provides them with monthly commodity supplies. The governing board consists of 18 members from the private, public, and low-income sectors. All three county commissioners designate a representative to serve on the board until the Commissioner who appointed them is no longer in office. The board meets at 5:30 p.m. on the 2nd Thursday of every other month beginning in January via Zoom.
This Board helps to formulate the annual comprehensive plan for adult community corrections services for County Commission and Kansas Dept. of Corrections approval. They also meet to review both the process and outcome goals set by the agency. The Board consists of 12 or more members representative of law enforcement, prosecution, judiciary, education, corrections, ethnic minorities, social services and general public. Must include Sheriff, District Attorney, Administrative Judge, and a Court Service Officer designated by the Administrative Judge. There are three appointments by the City. The four appointments by County Commissioners must be: one representing the educational profession and three additional members who shall be representative of parole officers, public or private social service agencies, ex-offenders, health care professional or general public. At least two members or more shall represent ethnic minorities and no more of2/3 shall be members of the same sex. Terms are two years. The Board meets on the third Thursday of the month from 3:30 to 5:00p.m. as business dictates. Otherwise this Board must meet quarterly. The location is the Community Corrections offices located at 712 S. Kansas Avenue, Ste. 300.
This Board formulates the annual comprehensive plan, reviews and approves Juvenile Justice Authority prevention and graduated sanctions grant application for County Commission and Kansas Department of Corrections approval. Membership consists of 12 or more individuals representing of law enforcement, prosecution, judiciary, education, corrections, ethnic minorities, social services, and the general public. Four appointments are made by the County Commission (one must be in the education field). Three appointments are made by the City of Topeka. Terms are three years. The Board meets on the third Wednesday of every month from 9:00a.m. to 11:00 a.m. at the Community Corrections office located at 712 S. Kansas Avenue, Ste. 300.
The Board serves in an advisory capacity to the Board of County Commissioners on all matters relative to the operation and management of the Kansas Expocentre facilities. The Board consists of ten citizens, eight who shall not be elected county or city officials and represent both agricultural and business interests. The Chairman of the County Commission or a designated Commissioner must serve. The Mayor or his/her designee shall also serve. Seven members are appointed by the Commission. (2 members appointed individually by each Commissioner for a total of six on alternating years; one at-large position). Nothing indicates they must reside in any particular Commission District. The president or his/her designee of Visit Topeka also serves. The terms are three years and members may not serve more than two terms. The Board meets the fourth Wednesday of each month at 7:30a.m. in the Capitol Plaza Hotel.
Oversees development, improvements, operation and maintenance of public airports and industrial complexes and sets budget. The MTAA is a taxing entity. City has three appointments; County has two appointments who must reside outside the City Limits. Terms are three years. Members may serve no more than three consecutive terms. Meets on the third Tuesday of each month at 3:00 p.m. (except for August which is the 2nd Tuesday at 3:00p.m.) at the MTAA Administrative Offices, Bldg. 620.
The purpose of the Shawnee County Parks + Recreation Advisory Board is to advise and assist the department in achieving the goals and objectives outlined in the department's Master Plan, gaining accreditation for the department, maintaining inter-governmental relations, and identifying and completing major capital improvement projects. The scope of the Shawnee County Parks & Recreation Advisory Board is advisory in nature and retains no binding authority over the final decision of the Director of Shawnee County Parks & Recreation and/or the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Shawnee, Kansas. Board members are appointed by the Shawnee County Board of Commissioners. The board meets at 5:30 p.m. on the fourth Tuesday of each month. Meetings rotate between Shawnee County Parks + Recreation Community Centers/Shelter Houses.
The Board endeavors to promote and encourage the establishment and continuation of professional law enforcement in Shawnee County. The Civil Service Board serves the citizens of Shawnee County by establishing certain benefits and protections for all classified officers employed in the Shawnee County Sheriff's Office as well as establishing certain benefits and protections that apply to the non-contract staff-level classified officers in order to encourage professional development and career advancement to the level of staff officer. In performing their duties, the Board complies with all applicable state laws, state and federal constitutional requirements and provisions of applicable County regulations, ordinances and contracts. Shall consist of three members appointed by each Commissioner of Shawnee County from his or her respective commission district to serve during the term of office of the appointing Commissioner; any vacancy shall be filled in the same manner. Meetings are scheduled as necessary. Unless posted otherwise meetings are held in the Shawnee County Courthouse, Commission Chambers, Room B-11. Board Members may be reached by contacting Human Resources at 785-251-4144.
Aaron Mays, Representing District 3, Appointed 10/16/17
Gary Ross, Representing District 1, Appointed 9/19/2011
Matthew McGivern, Representing District 2, Appointed 7/10/2018
The Planning Commission is an advisory group to the Board of County Commissioners on issues and activities related to planning, platting, land use regulation and community development in general. Appointments are for three years. Each Commissioner appoints two members and one at large member. The Commission meets on the 2nd Monday of each month at 6:00p.m. at the North Annex at 1515 Saline when there are cases to be heard.
The Commission meets when there are judicial vacancies and interviews candidates. They then send three recommendations to the Governor for his consideration. Each County Commissioner appoints one non-lawyer to serve as a member. They must be a qualified elector of the County. When appointments to this Commission are made, they must be certified to the clerk of the Supreme Court prior to Feb. 15th of the year in which terms of office commence. Terms begin the first Monday in March of the year of appointment. Terms are for 4 years.
Toby McCullough (1st County Commission District) Term expires March 2, 2026
Randall Phillips (2nd County Commission District) Term expires February 29, 2024
Eric Stafford (3rd County Commission District) Term expires March 2, 2026
Purpose: The board shall administer the Topeka and Shawnee County library and shall have the powers and duties as set forth in K.S.A. 12-1266 and amendments thereto. Membership: There is hereby established a library board of trustees in accordance with K.S.A. 12-1260 et seq. and any amendments thereto. The board shall consist of ten members with seven members appointed by the mayor with consent of the council and shall be residents of the city. Three members shall be appointed by the county commissioners and shall be residents of the library district, who reside outside the corporate limits of the city and each in a different commissioner district. Members shall be registered voters and shall serve four-year terms.
Hannah Ulrig (Commission District 1) Term expires April 30, 2026
Kacy Simonsen (Commission District 2) Term expires April 30, 2022
Shawn Leisinger (Commission District 3) Term expires April 30, 2026
The purpose of the authority is to promote the general welfare and encourage private capital investment by fostering the creation of recreational, retails, entertainment, economic development and housing with the river district. The Authority shall consist of six (6) members; Three appointed by Shawnee County Commission and three appointed by the Mayor and approved by the Council. K.S.A. Sec. 12-5611.
Shawnee County Resolution No. 2017-34 re-established terms of three years, from July 1 to June 30.
Shawn Hunter (representing Commission District 1) Term expires June 30, 2024
Hal Gardner (representing Commission District 2) Term expires June 30, 2019
Eric Purcell (representing Commission District 3) Term expires June 30, 2020
Purpose: The management and control of the municipal university shall be vested in a board to be known as the board of regents of Washburn University of Topeka. By such name the municipal university may sue and be sued, issue contracts, and hold such real and personal property as it may acquire. Such university shall possess the usual powers of a corporation for public purposes. The Board of Regents of Washburn University shall consist of nine members appointed as follows:
- Three members shall be appointed by the mayor with the approval of the council and shall hold office as provided in K.S.A. 13-3a05 and amendments thereto. Members appointed under this subsection shall be registered voters and residents of the city, one from each of the three districts from which state senators are elected by residents of the city. (Senate districts: 18, 19, 20)
- Three members shall be appointed by the governor and shall hold office as provided in K.S.A. 13-13a06 and amendments thereto. Members appointed under this subsection shall be residents of the state.
- One member shall be appointed by the Board of County Commissioners of Shawnee County and shall hold office as provided in K.S.A. 13-13a06 and amendments thereto; such member shall reside in Shawnee County, but outside the city.
- One member shall be the mayor or another member of the council who is selected by the mayor.
- One member shall be a member of the state board of regents selected by the state board at its regular meeting in September of each year, to serve as a member of the board of regents for the ensuing year.
Terms are for four years.
Terry Beck Term expires 6/30/19