Program Overview
The Shawnee County Sheriff’s Office Citizens Academy is designed to acquaint residents of Topeka and Shawnee County with the goals, objectives, organizational structure, and general operating procedures of the Sheriff’s Office and to promote good will, mutual understanding, and community support.

2022 Citizens Academy Graduation
Participation Criteria and Selection

Any resident of Shawnee County who is at least 18 years old, has no criminal record, and agrees to the established program rules may participate in the program. Applicants who meet the criteria for participation will be notified of their course date depending upon available course space. Applicants must agree to submit to a background check.
Course Activities and Scheduling
The Citizens Academy will be conducted every Wednesday evening for 10 weeks. Sessions are held at the Law Enforcement Center (320 S. Kansas Avenue, Topeka, KS 66603). Program topics include overviews of:

- The structure and activities of the agency
- Criminal Investigations
- Criminal law
- Narcotics Investigations
- Public information programs
- Coroner’s Office
- Patrol operations
- Emergency Communications
- Traffic law enforcement
- Special operations