Starting pay for an entry level Deputy is $24.32 per hour.
Benefits include:
- Paid vacation
- Paid sick leave
- Paid health insurance
- All equipment and uniforms included
- Take home vehicle policy depending on assignment
- Retirement funded through Kansas Police & Fire (Division of KPERS)
- Vesting after 15 years
- Employment contract
- Incentive pay for bilingual officers
- Retirement at age 50 with 25 years of service with 62.5% of your salary
New officers are assigned to a Field Training Officer
during their initial weeks of service and attend an
accredited Law Enforcement Training Center during an 18
month probationary period.
After the probationary period, officers may apply for
specialized assignments including: Process Unit,
Warrants Unit, Detective Unit, Drug Enforcement Unit,
Community Services, D.A.R.E. Officer, K-9 Officer,
S.W.A.T. Team, Crime Scene Officer and Courthouse