Inmate/Juvenile Residence Correspondence
Providing avenues by which inmates and juvenile residents can communicate with family and friends plays an important role during their incarceration. It allows them a means to stay in touch and stay connected to those in the community that are important to them. There are some general rules and guidelines that both inmates/residents as well as those that are writing to them must follow.
Outgoing Mail
Inmates and residents shall be allowed to correspond in writing with persons or organizations. The facility has the right to prohibit correspondence if it is determined necessary to protect the safety and security of the recipient, the public, staff or inmates/residents. Any such mail determined not appropriate for those reasons will be returned to the inmate. All outgoing mail must be legibly addressed and have no other markings other than the inmate's/resident's name, sending address, and return address on the envelope. Inmates/residents are not authorized to write to others in the facility. If an inmate/resident has an immediate family member incarcerated, he/she may obtain prior authorization from the Operations Division Manager to correspond with the family member.
Incoming Mail
All incoming mail must come through the U.S. Postal Service. The mailing address for:
Adult and Juvenile Inmates
Personal Mail (Excluding Legal Mail/Money Orders/Publications)
Smart Communications/Shawnee County Jail
Adam Smith #123456 (example inmate)
PO Box 9215
Seminole, FL 33775-9195
The inmate's name and booking/ID number must be clearly printed on the outside of the envelope or post card to ensure the mail is posted to the current account. Return name and address must also be placed on the envelope; failure to properly address the envelope will result in the mail being returned to sender. For more information on inmate deposits and mail under Smart Communications, please see the attached brochure: SmartCom Brochure
Adult Detention Center
Legal Mail/Money Orders
Inmate Full Name
Shawnee County Adult Detention Center
501 SE 8th Ave
Topeka, KS 66607
Legal mail shall be opened and inspected in the presence of the inmate. No money is allowed to be sent through the mail. Any mail that contains money will be returned to sender. If there is no return address, the funds will be deposited in the general commissary fund account but will not be placed onto the inmate’s personal account.
Publications must be sent directly from a publisher, distributor or authorized retailer the inmate.
Inmate Full Name
501 SE 8th Ave
Topeka, KS 66607
Adult inmates are permitted to subscribe to and receive publications, without prior approval, from a publisher, distributor book club, or a bookstore. Family members and/or friends are not allowed to send publications to inmates. They must be received by the inmate from the original publisher, distributor book club, or bookstore.
Juvenile Detention Center
Legal Mail/Money Orders
Inmate Full Name
Shawnee County Adult Detention Center
401 SE 8th Ave
Topeka, KS 66607
Legal mail shall be opened and inspected in the presence of the inmate. No money is allowed to be sent through the mail. Any mail that contains money will be returned to sender. If there is no return address, the funds will be deposited in the general commissary fund account but will not be placed onto the inmate’s personal account.
Publications must be sent directly from a publisher, distributor or authorized retailer the inmate.
Inmate Full Name
401 SE 8th Ave
Topeka, KS 66607
Juvenile inmates are permitted to subscribe to and receive publications, without prior approval, from a publisher, distributor book club, or a bookstore. Family members and/or friends are not allowed to send publications to inmates. They must be received by the inmate from the original publisher, distributor book club, or bookstore.